Tuesday, May 12, 2009

bagutte part 2

Well, sort of. Made it and it was fine. But in my hurry, I formatted the CF card with the pictures on it.

Hey, I never said I was samrt.

I will make it again and keep the pictures this time. probably.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Let's get our bagette on

To make good french bread, you will need high gluten flour or gluten to add in.

And this process is a two day affair.

Today on day one we will make the poolish. I want you to add equal parts flour and water with a heavy pinch of yeast together. Let's say 6 ounces.

Put it in an airtight container and let it sit until tomorrow.

So to recap:
6 oz water
6 oz flour
Good solid pinch of yeast

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Biscuit submission from a reader

David made the biscuits and said they were great. Thanks for the picture and feedback.


We went to Gartners the other day to get some meat for dinner. When I saw these sausages (hot dogs really) I just had to buy some. OK, I will admit, I bought them solely because they looked like the sausages I always saw in cartoons when I was a kid.

They were pretty good. Better than your run of the mill hot dog.