Friday, September 18, 2009

Hold on to your hats. I am about to blow your mind

There is a pizza place here in town that is...get ready... better than mine.

Your mind = boggled.
Your foundation = shaken

How can this be true you ask?

Well, it is. Dove Vivi has simply the best pizza I have ever had.

You can blame Bart and Lynn for this. They are the ones who told us about it. Every time I eat there, I shake my fist in the air and curse their names.


  1. Not to engage in one-upmanship, but my mom shakes her fist and curses my name at EVERY meal. So muscle up!

    Oh, and Dove Vivi rules. Even if I think the name doesn't make sense in Italian.

    Ciao, baby!

  2. I feel bad that I didn't mention Dove Vivi to you myself - that you've had to go so long without eating there is some sort of food crime I'm sure, or at least just a darn shame. So happy you found them - it's incredibly amazingly delicious at Dove Vivi. Who'da thunk that corn meal pizza dough would rock so hard?
